Welcome to Parasmani Geriatric Care Center
About Parasmani Geriatric Care Centre
The elderly community are the founding pillars of society and should be given the best health care in their advanced years.
Elderly people are an integral part of our society aspiring care and attention like any other section. However, modern family structure and urbanization, pose a challenge to offer the elderly people a quality life, especially during medical recovery and care phase and assisted living. Also, loneliness and age-related illnesses are factors which are on the rise.
Our Services
Two Fully Equipped attached consulting for specialists and super-specialists doctors
Hospice Care
Hospice care is mostly aimed at patients who have been diagnosed with terminal illness.
Bedridden Care
Post Operative Care is the care you receive after surgical procedure.
Dependable Care
Assistance is given by our staff with love and care to the disabled patients to perform their day to day activities.
Elderly assisted Living
Elderly people of same age group reside together and are taken care by our dedicated and loving staff.
Elder Care, that is comprehensive, personalised and proactive.
Empathetic, warm and affectionate care is not a luxury, it is our duty.
Health Care
Home Safety
Proactive Support
Care, Like Sons and Daughters would do!
From elderly care, physiotherapists, medical tests and much more. We delivers the best of healthcare services at your doorstep.
- A legacy of over 30 years
- Cost Effective as compared to Hospital
- Providing Best Care For Seniors
- Environment Home Safety
- 24 x 7 medical assistance